Community-Based Service Partners

We Help Our Community Partners Leverage Existing Resources to Help The Families They Serve Thrive

Fostering Our Future helps struggling families move from crisis to stability to thriving by inviting community-based service partners to join our 100 Families Alliance. 100 Families Alliance members are trained to leverage existing community resources using our free holistic, collaborative care management system, HopeHub.

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    We help coordinate existing community resources to help struggling families in 13 different areas including housing, transportation, employment, education, addiction/recovery, and food stability.
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    Our data-driven model creates a shared measurement system across participating organizations to track the progress and participation of families and help reduce duplication of services.
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    Our HopeHub collaborative case management portal provides a seamless way to send and receive referrals, providing holistic, real-time care coordination across organizations and agencies.


By facilitating cooperation on case management using our collaborative care system, we help organizations serve more people more effectively while also reducing costs.

We help you meet your goals:

  • Increased employment rates/retention
  • Increased food security
  • Increased housing stability
  • Decreased poverty
  • Improved quality of care
  • Improved Efficiency


  • Child Care


  • Education


  • Food Banks

    Food Bank

  • Health


  • Housing


  • Legal Aid

    Legal Aid

  • Money Management

    Money Management

  • Workforce Development

    Workforce Development


  • Foster Care Prevention

    Foster Care Prevention

    Safe, nurturing familial relationships are not only critical for a child’s physical and emotional development; the lack thereof can cause trauma (often lifelong) for both parent and child. 100 Family Alliance Members are committed to working together to strengthen the protective capacities of families to keep children from entering the foster care system.
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    Family Reunification

    When children are separated from their families, one of our main goals is to work with their parents/relatives to support long-term stability so that the family can reunify if/when it is safe to do so. We leverage the experience of 100 Families Alliance members to identify the issues that brought the family to the attention of the child welfare system, assess family strengths and needs, and then connect them with community providers, resources, and strategies that can positively impact reunification.

How It Works

100 Families Coordinator

Participating organizations are paired with a 100 Families Coordinator who provides training and ongoing support for HopeHub, the software tool used to provide wrap-around support and collaborative care for families in crisis.

About HopeHub

HopeHub is a community’s tool for providing holistic support to individuals and families in need. It is a Collaborative Case Management System that allows the many different organizations and providers working with a family to communicate in a HIPAA, FERPA, and COPRA-compliant way.
I am interested in learning more about the 100 Families Alliance and how we can get involved.

Foster Family Testimonials

The Christian-based classes with Fostering Our Future offer an enriching experience for individuals interested in becoming foster parents. Having previously fostered for fifteen years as well as co-training traditional MAPP/Pride classes, Fostering Our Future is truly a remarkable approach.

-- The Ludwig Family

We felt so defeated in the mainstream classes and support systems until we found Fostering Our Future, Julie, Bill, and their team. The classes brought real-life situations and principles, tangible advice, and allowed us to work at our pace with weekly gatherings to connect, share, review, ask questions, and have meaningful discussions. 

-- The Griffith Family

 Fusce molestie libero at rutrum elementum. Donec ut porttitor tellus. Donec luctus lobortis tortor, porta tincidunt nisl tincidunt at. Vestibulum id turpis non dui convallis aliquet et vitae ante. Fusce molestie libero at rutrum elementum. Donec ut porttitor tellus. Donec luctus lobortis tortor, porta tincidunt nisl tincidunt at. 

-- Sandra Fae, Pastor